The Primary Exam-Pro Obstetric Anaesthesia MSERM require extensive and specific knowledge of obstetric anaesthesia. Anaesthesia UK and USA has produced new educational resource to help candidates prepare for examinations. This has been tailored to the FRCA knowledge requirements laid down by the Royal College of Anaesthetists. This resource is approved by the Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association.
Royal College of Anaesthetists ‘Knowledge’ Requirements with Moroccan Society for Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine (MSERM)
Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia is the only area of anaesthetic practice where two patients are cared for simultaneously. Pregnancy is a physiological rather than a pathological state. Patient expectations are high and the mother expects full involvement in her choices of care. The majority of the workload is the provision of analgesia in labour and anaesthesia fordelivery. Multidisciplinary care for the sick mother is increasingly important and highlighted…
Anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, physiology of labour, basic knowledge of obstetrics, pharmacology of drugs relevant to obstetric anaesthesia, pain and pain relief in labour, emergencies in obstetric anaesthesia…
Royal College of Anaesthetists – THE CCT IN ANAESTHESIA III:
Competency Based Specialist Registrar Years 1 and 2 Training and Assessment
Obstetrics anaesthesia articles:
1-Physiological changes of pregnancy
2- Cardiac arrest in a pregnant woman
3- Commonly used drugs in obstetric anaesthesia
4- Intralipid – local anaesthetic toxicity
5- Obstetric emergencies
6- Placental abruption
7- Placenta praevia
8- Uterine rupture
9- Emergency Treatment of Obstetric Haemorrhage
10- Anatomical and Physiological Changes in Pregnancy
Relevant to Anaesthesia
11- Coagulation Disorders In Pregnancy
12- Labour Analgesia
13- Choice of needle: Spinal anaesthesia
14- Epidural anaesthesia
15- Spinal anaesthesia
16- Spinal anaesthetic spread
17- Assessment of spinal anaesthetic block
18- Combined spinal and epidural Anaesthesia (CSE)
19- Complications of regional anaesthesia in Obstetrics
20- Nerve injury resulting from a labour epidural
21- Pre-eclampsia
22- Maternal Collapse
23- Deaths Due to Anaesthesia
Find below some very useful courses for download:
Techniques of epidural cannulation
Spinal anaesthesia Choice of needle
Physiological changes of pregnancy
Emergency treatment of massive obstetric haemorrhage
Deaths Due to Anaesthesia CEMACH 2003-2005
Assessment of spinal anaesthetic block
Cardiac arrest in a pregnant woman
Combined spinal and epidural anaesthesia (CSE)
Commonly used drugs in obstetric anaesthesia
Complications of Regional Anaesthesia in Obstetrics